Dum Spiros Spero - (Restaurants in Svoronata)

Angie C           

In our oppinion the best taverna in svoronata.Excellent food and friendly service.

Hyundai Atos - (Hire Cars in Kefalonia)

Angie C           

Small engined car , easily accomodates 4 adults. Copes well with the roads of kefalonia where you can rarely get out of 3rd gear!! WE hired ours from Greekstones and got a great deal for 2 weeks.

Kefalonia.co.uk - (Kefalonia web guides in Kefalonia)


I think the message board you refer to is actually on another kefalonia site.

Simatos Apartments - (Accommodation in Lassi)

Angie C           

Simatos apartments now have their own website
www.simatos-apartments.com, all the contact details you need to make a booking are there.
There are also some excellent reviews of these apartments on the messageboard at