So Simple - (Bars in Lassi)

Alan D           

man i just got home from kef and im missing it allready the bar is fantastik i went there almost evry night i fell in love there and i woas hopping somone mite have the email adddres or name of the young 17 year old waitress with blond her she was from england she also has a large tatto just above her bum any info wud b great because i would realy like to get in touch and tell her how i feel so plz help me find out who it is

So Simple - (Bars in Lassi)

Alan D

i would realy like to no the name of the blond girl from so simple she was only 17 she was english if u have her email addres it would also be very helpfull i mett her when i was there and didnt get chance to tell her how i feel so if any one can give me her email addres the bars addres or her name i would be very thankfull

So Simple - (Bars in Lassi)

Alan D           

no there was a gurl who had a greek father and a english mothershe was 17 she was 2 yrs older than me

So Simple - (Bars in Lassi)

Alan D           

just to make sure her hair was sort of blond like light streeks in it

So Simple - (Bars in Lassi)

Alan D           

fantastic thancs o thanc u i fell inlove with her thats great u didnt happen to get her email addres did u or the bars email address

So Simple - (Bars in Lassi)

Alan D           

man i no your pain i fell in love with a young 17 year old waitress called vannesa she thort i was the same age so that was fantastic i would of realy loved to tell her ho i felt but i didt get courage to tell her i was also slighty drunk at the time so i forgeot her name so one's again just to be sure she was 17 english/greek she had a tatto just above her bum and had browny blondy hair i would love to get in contact with her i realy like her so if ther is a email addres for the bar tellphone number or postle addres or even better HER address i realy would be greatfull

So Simple - (Bars in Lassi)

Alan D

hi im still uking 4 the english 17 year old waitres web address if u have the web addres her addy or her phone number i would b so happy as the story gose i fell inlove with her on the second to last night i didnt get to tell her how i felt we flirted alot i wish i could see her again so simply (exscuse the pun) help me find her i think her name was vannesa but i cant b sure so plz if u have any infomastion i would b so greatfull to atleast try and reunite a fantastic love plz ppl in so hart broken